Course Info
Human Rights and Gender Equality Education (Faculty and Staff)
국립목포대학교 모든 구성원(교수, 직원)
인권교육, 성희롱·성폭력·성매매·가정폭력 예방교육
Training Title |
Table of Contents |
Introduction |
University and Human Rights |
Different from Who We Were Yesterday |
Development |
Human Rights Training |
PART 1. Same Space, Different Experiences |
PART 2. The Notion of Privilege and Intersectionality |
We all have different experiences!
Gender Equality |
"Yesterday's Mirror Reflects Today :TheStoryofHumanRightsToldthroughthePaintingsoftheMasters" |
The Illusion of ‘Normalcy’ |
Who Owns the 'Body'? |
Is Our Gaze Now More Egalitarian? |
Integrated Violence Prevention |
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Prevention Training |
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Prevention Training |
"There Is No Victim!" |
"Is a University a Safe Place for Everyone?" |
"For a World Where Everyone is Equal" |
"A University for All of Us" |
How to Respond When an Incident Occurs (For Faculty and Staff) |
Formative Assessment |
Domestic Violence Prevention Training |
Domestic Violence Prevention Training |
A Concealed, Recurrent and Sustained Crime |
Our Primary Focus Must Be on Protecting Victims, Not Merely Preserving Families |
Power Relations in Intimate Relationships - 'Coercive Control' |
"Overcoming Trauma: IfIamavictimofviolence/IfIamaneighbor" |
Formative Assessment |
Prostitution Prevention Training |
Prostitution Prevention Training |
Digital and Prostitution |
A Better Understanding of Prostitution |
What We Can Do |
Formative Assessment |
Conclusion |
Closing |
One Individual |
매년 5월부터 12월까지
교육이수 확인
- 국립목포대학교 사이버강좌 수강 및 교육만족도 설문까지 완료해야 이수처리 되며, 30분 이상 소요될 수 있습니다.
법정의무교육 | |