Course Info

Non-curriculum online courses for Hansung University.

Human Rights and Gender Equality Education(Undergraduate and Graduate students)


국립목포대학교 모든 구성원(학생, 대학원생)


인권교육, 성희롱·성폭력·성매매·가정폭력 예방교육

Training Title

Table of Contents


University and Human Rights

Different from Who We Were Yesterday


Human Rights Training

PART 1. Same Space, Different Experiences

PART 2. The Notion of Privilege and Intersectionality

We all have different experiences!


Gender Equality

"Yesterday's Mirror Reflects Today


The Illusion of ‘Normalcy’

Who Owns the 'Body'?

Is Our Gaze Now More Egalitarian?

Integrated Violence Prevention

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Prevention Training

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Prevention Training

"There Is No Victim!"

"Is a University a Safe Place for Everyone?"

"For a World Where Everyone is Equal"

"A University for All of Us"

How to Respond When an Incident Occurs (For Students)

Formative Assessment

Domestic Violence Prevention Training

Domestic Violence Prevention Training

A Concealed, Recurrent and Sustained Crime

Our Primary Focus Must Be on Protecting Victims, Not Merely Preserving Families

Power Relations in Intimate Relationships - 'Coercive Control'

"Overcoming Trauma:


Formative Assessment

Prostitution Prevention Training

Prostitution Prevention Training

Digital and Prostitution

A Better Understanding of Prostitution

What We Can Do

Formative Assessment



One Individual


매년 5월부터 12월까지

교육이수 확인

  • 국립목포대학교 사이버강좌 수강 및 교육만족도 설문까지 완료해야 이수처리 되며, 30분 이상 소요될 수 있습니다.


테이블제목 - 순으로 정보를 제공
  • 가. 양성평등기본법 제31조
  • 나. 성매매방지 및 피해자보호 등에 관한 법률 제5조
  • 다. 성폭력방지 및 피해자보호 등에 관한 법률 제5조
  • 라. 가정폭력방지 및 피해자보호 등에 관한 법률 제4조의 3


Learning period : 05-13-2024 ~ 12-31-2024